Customer case

Handtmann Ends Sales Chaos with Elfsquad

Handtmann is the market leading supplier of filling and portioning equipment within the food processing industry. With a growing worldwide sales team and dealer network, they needed a way to manage their increasing volume of highly-complex, high-value orders more effectively. To achieve this, they transitioned from their traditional document-driven approach to a modern, data-driven strategy by implementing Elfsquad CPQ (Configure, Price, Quote).

The Problem

Handtmann's products are unique and tailored to each customer, which sounds great but created significant complications in their sales and follow-up processes. The old method involved using physical documents and lengthy price lists, making it difficult for salespeople to configure the right options. This process was slow, unscalable, and not very profitable. New sales team members struggled without proper guidance, and the lack of a streamlined system made it hard to keep up with customer demands. Sales representatives often spent hours searching through hundreds of pages of price books to find the right options. And ensuring the configurations were correct required intervention from product experts, further delaying the sales cycle.

The Solution

Handtmann recognized that developing a custom-built CPQ tool would take years, and they wanted to provide immediate value to their users. By choosing Elfsquad, they could give 80% of the control to their users and further develop the solution based on market feedback. Elfsquad is able to handle their complex product configurations and processes while being easy to manage internally. Elfsquad guides new sales team members, integrates smoothly with their CRM, and ensures that all configurations are error-free.
Partnering with Walpole Partnership, an experienced CPQ implementation specialist, was a fundamental part of this transformation. Walpole's expertise in handling enterprise customers and their structured, iterative approach helped Handtmann define the scope and figure out the details together. The collaboration focused on building a robust and user-friendly system from the ground up. This guaranteed that the CPQ solution met Handtmann's specific needs while allowing for flexibility and future enhancements.

"If we add new starters to the sales teams around the world, we need to give them guidance along with the machine configuration; Elfsquad CPQ is the long awaited answer to those challenges."


Katharina Vollmar

Head of Sales Standards & Processes

The Elfsquad Effect

Elfsquad has made a world of difference for Handtmann. As business-led CPQ, Handtmann’s ability to manage Elfsquad themself, free from IT or external consultants. The sales process is now simplified, offers are presented more clearly, and errors in configurations are a thing of the past. The smooth integration with their CRM means sales teams can create and manage offers 50% faster and with less effort. This change has allowed Handtmann to scale their sales operations profitably while maintaining their unique product offerings to better meet customer needs. The successful adoption of Elfsquad highlights Handtmann's commitment to innovation and growth, which sets them up for even more success in the future.

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